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trusting the media in the context of art and wars has become more challenging. Media outlets often have biases and can be influenced by political interests, making it hard to get an objective view of events. The internet has also made it easier for false information to spread, causing confusion. To deal with this, people need to be careful consumers of news. It’s important to check information from different sources and think critically about what we see and hear. Media literacy, or knowing how to understand and evaluate news, is essential in today’s world. We can’t blindly trust the media anymore; we need to be cautious and make informed choices about what we believe.The hand made out of newspaper symbolises the media and the people influencing the media, using it for false news and more. It shuts the thinking person in the back up, while its trying to think of his/her own opinion.

There is nothing more we can do, besides SPEAK UP.

Speak up!

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