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My work and contributions

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AGORA.1 has been designed with multiple as well as traditional design 
principles, as new modern principles. The design revolves around creating an open , often welcoming space what creates a connection with the area. 


Natural light creates a natural open feeling inside the concept in combination  with open floors, containing open voids creating a clear connection of all floors. The three floors are devided in Serving and Servant floors, creating obvious functional spaces in the building, like Louis Kahn proposed in his theory.

Next to the design principles I added an AQUATECTURE facade. Aquatecture is a panel designed to harvest rain water and when integrated with technology, it can harvest moisture from the atmosphere.

Expo Hall

Biophilic design is an innovative way of designing that emphasizes the use of natural systems and processes in the design. The design philosophy is based on Edward Osborne Wilson's biophilia hypothesis, which believes that humans have an innate connection to the nature around us and that this connection must be nurtured and maintained. The pursuit of biophilic design is to create a pleasant living environment for organisms in the current construction environment.

Today there is much evidence and support for the benefits and direct and indirect impact of biophilic design on humans. The design focuses on the resident experience with the biophilic design, which appears to combine not only human health, fitness and well-being, but also morale, collaboration and stress reduction. The design brief of BK6ON6 is to design a music venue and the relationship between the landscape and the biophilic aspects in the spatial design will positively impact the experience and morale of the building's users, employees and artists.

De Boshoeve

The resulting building block was designed from an urban development perspective. The urban design shows how the design links to the existing buildings on the east side of the design. The mutual connections create a courtyard structure, which creates sheltered spaces for residents and neighbors to come together. It is a way to combat a lasting dilemma in social housing: the lack of solidarity.


By playing with shared functions in the building blocks, cohesion must be created. At the same time, the open outdoor structure involves the surrounding area in the plan. In the selected building block, the target group consists of starters and families in the social rental sector. These target groups have been chosen since research shows that starters have difficulty entering the current housing market.

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Tender Gemeentehuis Buren - Cepezed Internship

With the design we looked for harmony in contrast. It building is a compact, two-storey volume, in harmony with his environment. Because of the wooden elements in the exterior it becomes part of the park. The glass facade parts reflect the park and refer to an orangery. It will be an all-sided building, without a pronounced front or back, although it is clear where the public entrance is located.

The new town hall of Buren is viewed from all sides experience wind directions differently. It is lifted from the ground, to the idea of a lightweight pavilion, or orangery strengthen.

disclaimer ; I participated in this project as an intern and the project is not listed under my name. I assisted with sketch sessions of the volume, some ideoloy, making the 3d model, the section drawings and poster design.


'T Kwartier

Safety is paramount in the neighbourhood. Due to a new connection to the city centre, T' Kwartier had become a busy neigbourhood. The new flow of traffic due to its mid-point to the tarwewijk  entails a lot of traffic risks. The students and tutors must be able to ghet to their schools safely without ther danger of transport.


More information is in the presentation 

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